New ICO : Luxcess Group

Hasil gambar untuk luxcess

The vision of our investment group, Luxcess, is to help people become a part of a big investment family. On the other hand, the goal is to enable a transparent management and capital escalation for as many people as possible. We have always believed that teamwork, up-to-date information and discipline are most important for success.

We will not only join the investments, such as crypto-holding, crypto-trading, forex trading, silver and gold and start up projects, but will also provide for integration of the general public into a big family, which will increase the generated profit and provide for a better tomorrow of all of its members.

To get Luxcess closer to people, we are going to open many new offices in 2018, 2019 and 2020. There, people will have the opportunity to find out more about the Luxcess Group, where our colleagues will always be available for your questions. In addition to this, it will be possible to buy, sell or change LXC tokens in these offices.

The name “Luxcess” consists of two words, “Luxury” and “Success” that very well describe our team’s goals. The word “Luxury”, on the one hand, represents abundance, quality, luxury, and surplus, but, on the other hand, the word “Success” stands for success as a crucial characteristic. When these two words are combined, we get a strong combination that indicates the direction in which the story and the people who stand behind it will go. The word “Group” was added to this coinage, representing community, connection, and team.

It all began in the year 2013 when we traded our own financial means and invested them in shares, gold, silver and currencies. In the first half of the year 2014, we started connecting people with the same thinking and interests. In that period, we realised that two heads are better than one, since each person sees things differently and from their own perspective. Thus, we started working as a real team, which allowed for qualitative analyses and trading multiple things at the same time. Soon after that, we noticed a distinct result improvement.

When we did research about the Forex market, we were attracted to the expression cryptocurrency, and we started researching in this direction, too. When in the year 2015 we found out that the idea of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology was excellent and promising, we turned to this field even more. As our extended analysis indicated the room for positive results, we decided to add cryptocurrencies to our portfolio. This was one of the reasons that in the 2016 we enlarged our team and established the Luxcess Group.

The Luxcess Group is a young team that consists of 25 traders, experts, analysts and external collaborators who have more than six years’ experience of working on the Forex market, Crypto trading, start-up investments, and precious metal trading (gold and silver). The team that established Luxcess Group was united by the passion for trading, investments and achieving good business results.

Until today, the Luxcess team has been providing and taking care of its own means and those of some private clients, achieving enviable results. Those results have been achieved by means of a system that combines diversified investment portfolio, fast responsiveness to change and innovation, experienced traders, external advisers and excellent teamwork.

Due to these results and a growing interest, the Luxcess team came to a turning point. We, the founders, have decided to step forward, give the opportunity to the general public and give people a chance to have a safe and better future. We have decided to become the first investment trust that would allow not only for a fast, simple and safe investment, but would also give you an opportunity to become a part of this excellent story and the Luxcess Group family. Since we succeeded as a team, we believe that the key to success is being integrated as a whole. We believe that each member of the group will aid in their own, as well as in other members’ success.


The vision of our investment group, Luxcess, is to help people become a part of a big investment family. On the other hand, the goal is to enable a transparent management and capital escalation for as many people as possible. We have always believed that teamwork, up-to-date information and discipline are most important for success. We will not only join the investments, such as crypto-holding, crypto-trading, forex trading, silver and gold and start up projects, but will also provide for integration of the general public into a big family, which will increase the generated profit and provide for a better tomorrow of all of its members.


We have stuck to an excellent system for years. It combines a diversified investment portfolio, experiences, and teamwork. The diversified investment portfolio combines old-style and modern investments, which work together splendidly and provide safe and long-term incomes. Each income strategy has its fluctuations. Thus, our team developed a system that combines more strategies, techniques and branch investments, and groups them in a whole with a goal to keep a constant income and clients’ contentment.

Team work

As it has already been stressed, the most important pillar of our vision is teamwork. Our team is bound by a common purpose — the realisation of the project that we have begun. Firstly, different opinions and points of view were brought together and later coordinated and combined into the best possible solution that will yield the best results for the project. For this reason, the teamwork in indispensable for us.


The Luxcess Group ensures the clarity and understandability of the whole story, because we believe that this is the only way to success and general contentment. Our platform, Royal, will enable a constant control over investors’ capital and will enable the payout of the means or their increase. It is important to bear in mind that our team’s principle is to operate at low risk, which means that we make smaller, but more constant and reliable profits, because we believe that this is the only longterm way forward in the world of investments.


The Luxcess group is a young innovative group, which stands by the fact that it is always important to follow trends. We are convinced that it is imperative to keep in step with the times and get everything from the new trends that will aid in the clients’ contentment and mutual success. We believe that we have to learn from the innovations, which is why we started training new personnel in the ways of blockchain technology. This will allow for an even greater success, contentment and profit in the future.


You should support our project because we have a great and experienced team with great results in trading and investing from 2014. Intention of the The Luxcess Group is to introduce investment to the general public. We wish to introduce it as an activity in which anyone can be involved.


The Luxcess team has created the Royal platform, where you invest your token after the purchase. At that point, you decide whether you invest the tokens in Hold or LXC index. The Royal Luxcess Hold is an option where you safely store and keep your tokens. You then make a profit or lose it, depending on whether the token price rises or falls on the official stock markets. You can transfer your tokens to Royal Luxcess Trading at any time, or withdraw them and put in your wallet. Investing tokens in the Royal Luxcess Trading gives you an additional opportunity to create profit.
All lxc tokens that you invest in trading will be dispersed in an existing portfolio. Profits and losses will be recorded in a joint internal LXC index, and your yield will be based on it. LXC index shows performance or profit growth percentage, which is created in the complete portfolio of the Luxcess Group.

Thus, the idea and the platform are designed in a way that ensures a fast and quick use, since everything can be done with several clicks of the mouse.


The lxc token is the Luxcess Group’s icing on the cake.
People who believe in our team and the project will earn even more extra money with the our token LXC.

Crypto-analysts believe that more than 90% of coins or tokens have no future. There is an important difference between having an idea and realising it. They believe that the road from an idea to realisation is long and difficult; therefore, only the strongest can brave it. The Luxcess Group team has developed a system that guarantees long-term profit. We will achieve an excellent token price on the market, because investing in our projects will be possible only with our token LXC. The LXC price will be stable and constant growth will be secured, which is a guarantee that more and more people will invest in our token. In time, more money will be needed to buy tokens, which is the only option for people to join our story.


The Luxcess group chose the Ethereum platform, mostly because of the safety and stability, as well as the superior integration of the platform.

  • Symbol: LXC
  • Total supply: 35.000.000
  • Platform: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Token price: 0.15$


For more detailed information about the project and the conditions of participation in this ICO, I recommend to visit the links below:

Author : Firmansyah Septyadi;u=1550748
ETH Wallet : 0x920dBA2a2D7CaBf0606CAe34df2036C55173f2D3

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